WARNING: following Microsoft's end-of-life announcement, Internet Explorer (IE) is no longer a supported browser. You may experience display and functionality problems if you try and use IE with Magicall. We recommend you upgrade to a more recent browser, for example the latest releases of Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari.


A Voice Over Internet Protocol service enables you to make phone calls as normal, but over the internet instead.

  • Use your existing SIP address to receive calls
  • How to get a SIP address

Use your existing SIP address to receive calls

Simply enter your SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) address as the destination for your number(s). When you sign up with a third party VoIP service provider, they will provide you with a SIP address.

How to get a SIP address

SIP addresses are provided by VoIP providers such as TheVoIP. Simply sign up and you can then direct your Magicall numbers to SIP. Additional costs may apply from third party VoIP providers.